Family Quote of the Week: Ritalin and Mind Control
"The fourth and most obvious reason millions of Americans, most of them children, are now taking Ritalin can be summarized in a single word that crops up everywhere in the dry-bones literature on ADD and its drug of choice: compliance. One day at a time, the drug continues to make children do what their parents and teachers either will not or cannot get them to do without it: Sit down, shut up, keep still, pay attention."
(Source: Mary Eberstadt, "Why Ritalin Rules," Policy Review, April & May 1999, No. 94.)
21 fevereiro 2005
e agora, um momento de militância
a Ritalina é um dos medicamentos mais populares receitados àquilo a que se chama crianças hiperactivas [attention deficit disorder - ADD]. porque estou a fazer um trabalho sobre o assunto e estava à procura de coisas, encontrei isto
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